Chef Biography

Ann Lindsay was born in Chicago in July of 1940.  Following school at Morningside College and the University of California in Long Beach, she became a consultant to Cuisinart in Greenwich, Connecticut as a menu developer.  In 1980 she moved to San Antonio where she became intrigued with Mexican food and began teaching cooking classes.  Many chefs credit her as the unsung hero of Southwest Cuisine.

In 1985, the Great Chefs television team showed up at her home in Dallas, Texas to tape her for the PBS series, Great Chefs of the West, where she appeared in episodes 25 & 26. Anne Lindsay went on to write many cookbooks on Texas Cuisine and the Southwest trends.


Cookie Tacos

Serving: 8 Print Cookie Tacos By Great Chefs November 10, 2015 A pretty way to serve any assortment of fresh fruit, these tacos can be made ahead of time and assembled at the last minute. The cookie taco shells may be made up to a week ahead and kept in a tightly covered tin or […]

Crab Quesadillas

Serving: 12 Print Crab Quesadillas By Great Chefs November 10, 2015 These nouvelle versions of the Southwestern equivalent to the grilled cheese sandwich are filled with a mixture reminiscent of deviled crab. They are a wonderful party food, since they can be cooked in small batches in minutes. The quesadillas can be filled up to […]

Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Cilantro Pesto Goat Cheese

Serving: 4 Print Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Cilantro Pesto Goat Cheese By Great Chefs November 10, 2015 Creamy goat cheese countered with spicy cilantro pesto adds wonderful flavor to easy-to-prepare chicken dish. Cilantro is one of the classic ingredients in Southwestern cooking, lending its acerbic flavor to everything from salsas to meats. The stuffing can […]

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