The Georges Blanc story begins before the French Revolution when his family opened an inn at Vonnas, in the heart of the Bresse countryside, fabled for its fine produce, and most especially, its chickens (the only ones with their identity and origin certified by law).
Georges Blanc, a culinary perfectionist, represents the fourth generation of the BLANC FAMILY, as innkeepers and restaurateurs in Vonnas, France since 1872.
In 1933, Curnonsky wrote that “La Mere Blanc” Adolphe’s spouse, was the best cook in the world. Auberge, in Vonnas opened in 1872 by Jean-Louis Blanc and ultimately, several generations later in 1968, it was taken over by Paulette Blanc’s son, Georges.
In 1962 Georges graduated at the head of his class at the Hotel School of Thonon Les Bains. After apprenticing in various great institutions, he succeeded his mother as head of the family enterprise at the age of 25 as we said earlier, in 1968. As the Inn and restaurant have grown in the last half century, it has been heaped with honors, including three Michelin stars.
Great Chefs taped Chef Georges and pastry Chef David Fillat (now at Paul Bocuse Institute in Lyon) in September 1998. Later that month, while the television crew was taping at the Majestic Hotel in Cannes, we ran across Chef Georges visiting his son, who was apprenticing in that same hotel kitchen. We assume he will be the fifth generation at Georges Blanc soon.